Manifesting Abundance

I’m doing pretty well.

I still have days where I get lonely or angry and sometimes I’ll send an angry text to my twin flame for his silence, but it has been less than in the past and I make sure to apologize afterward.  It has been tough not speaking to him for so long.  After quite a while, I noticed he was in my apartment yesterday (he has a key).  As I’ve said before, only those in twin flame situations can really understand what it’s like.  It’s weird, it makes you feel like you’re COMPLETELY crazy and it’s an eye-opening experience for sure. I always know when my twin flame has been in my place.  He leaves little “clues” like leaving the toothpaste upside down or leaving a chair not tucked back in.  He doesn’t do it on purpose, it’s just that I notice EVERYTHING; I’m hyper-observant, especially in my own home.

Seeing the clues made me smile.  I miss him terribly, and knowing that he has been here gives me some comfort that he’s okay.  To the rest of mankind, such a thing sounds insane, I know.  But this is twin flame stuff, so it’s meant to be bizarre 🙂

I love him so much… it scares me sometimes… Just when I think I want to completely walk away, God reminds me with an  “Ah, ah, ah” shake of the finger.  No, no, no.  Twin flames are FOREVER.  There’s no walking away, EVER.  It’s something we have to learn to deal with and it’s an eternal commitment.

Some people think they want this.. HAHAHA um….. you don’t realize what you’re asking for.  Soulmates are great, they’re wonderful.  I know I have many in my family and one of my ex’s is one, and I love all of them with ALL of my heart and I would do anything for any of them.  If most people can find and marry a soulmate, they are truly blessed.  In this world there is a lot of evil and darkness, so finding even the tiniest pieces of joy are worth more than all the money in the world.

The twin flame journey is…there’s not even a word for how difficult it is.  I’ve been comparing life to a video game lately, and I believe that I and a small population of people out there are playing this video game called “LIFE” on “HARD”. Don’t get me wrong, there’s the “EXPERT” level that some are on, and that’s even harder. Some people REALLY suffer HORRIBLY and still overcome it.  It’s amazing to see what humans can survive.

But I digress.

If you can find yourself a soul mate, I applaud you.  Not to say that I regret this twin flame experience in the least.  I pray to God in the deepest gratitude for this experience, for ALL of my experiences, because I just sob in joy in thanks of what God has done for me.  The fact that He gave me life, that He allows me to have another breath, He allows me to have good health, my sight, my hearing, to be able to taste wonderful foods, be surrounded by my loved ones.  I could go on and on forever on how God blesses me.

This experience is hard, though, to say the least.  It is so hard… I’ve pondered for hours about all of this, trying my best to make sense of it all, when I hear God and my higher self talking to me, saying that my mind can only comprehend so much.  Some things aren’t meant to be understood or categorized or controlled by us humans.  What we are dealing with in this reality on planet Earth is some “next level shit.” I don’t even get into half of the stuff that’s going on on this blog because it would freak most people out.

The lesson is to LET GO and LET GOD, which is nearly IMPOSSIBLE for us humans to do, because we are OBSESSED with CONTROL.  I’m still working on that.  Last night, I surrendered to God this situation, but it takes a lot of practice to actually do that.  I want to surrender myself and my life completely to God, because when I do, like magic, I see awesome, fantastic things happen in my life.

Manifesting Abundance

I desire to be abundant in my life, and I desire abundance.  I deserve abundance and I know that abundance is what God desires for me.  I put this mantra on my bathroom mirror a while back, just as an experiment to see if it would actually work.

Then, looking at it everyday made me begin to believe it.  Then I really started to believe it, and now it is starting to manifest into my reality.  The word “abundance” is different for everyone.  For me, abundance means always having MORE than enough: food, water, shelter, money, so that you can share.  My mom, a devout good Christian woman, someone I hold to the absolute highest esteem and someone I admire greatly, is someone I describe as “abundant.”  Not because she has a ton of money because she doesn’t, but because she always seems to have what she needs and more.  Bad things happen sometimes, of course, because that is guaranteed for everyone, but my mom is ALWAYS faithful to God, praising Him in good times AND bad.  And she is a VERY blessed woman.  One thing that always stuck with me is that her “cup” always “runneth over” as the bible says.  She shares because she lives abundantly and I see the blessings that God has given her.  I try to be just like her 🙂

As I have started to praise God in bad times and good, I have noticed how He blesses me. People look for HUGE things from God, all the time, treating Him like some kind of Santa Clause, begging and whining when it doesn’t happen fast enough like a spoiled little brat, then turn around and blame God for all the effed up stuff that happens in this world (which is really the fault of Satan and humanity), all the while not appreciating the seemingly “small” (but HUGE) gestures God does for us all the time.

(I know because I’ve been a whiny little brat too)

For example:

I LOVE thrift stores, ebay, places/people who give/give away/sell hand-me-downs at a discount, sales, used stuff.

I’ve always been that way, I just love getting good quality stuff that lasts for a bargain and even better if it’s free.

I make a check list in my mind of things I want for my apartment.  It is specific things like a lamp for my living room, a table to perch my painting on, a filing cabinet, etc.  Nearly EVERYTHING on my list I have received, and I HAVEN’T HAD TO PAY FOR ANY OF THEM!!! They have literally come to me.  I have learned that I just have to be patient because it takes a while for things to manifest sometimes.  I always have to give glory to God and glory to Jesus.  This is MY belief, I don’t impose it on anyone else, it is what works for me.

These things come to me used, and as I like used, hand-me-down stuff, it’s ALWAYS EXCITING!!!! because it makes me feel like a pirate finding treasure.  There have been a few manifestations that I missed out on because I was a dum-dum and didn’t act quickly enough, so I’m trying to be better about that.  For instance, someone gave away a hot pink filing cabinet (!!!) that I wanted so badly, but I didn’t act fast enough.. I was so mad.. But I ended up getting a filing cabinet anyway from my mom, for free.

Also – I used to fear not having enough food and so I didn’t have enough food.  Now, praying and believing that God wants abundance for me, one of the parents of the kids I work with, literally brings a ton of food to share with me, my supervisor and the school.  Like A LOT.  My freezer is full.  Praise the Lord.

This goes for accomplishments, goals and dreams too.  If you have a hard time completing things and staying motivated like I used to, God can help you with that, too.  If you pray on it, ask Him to help you stay motivated and then take steps to motivate yourself and stick with your accomplishments, God will give you a “boost” and help you to achieve what you want to achieve.  This is coming from a former slacker.  I have had a lot of breakthroughs, thanks to God.  He’s amazing!!! 🙂

*I will not force my views or beliefs on anyone, and it’s up to you if you want to try what I’ve done and see if it works.  I can’t guarantee anything because we are all on our own paths in this life, but I can testify that since I have given my heart, soul, mind and body to God, I have been just…full of this excitement and zest for life that I never felt in the past and my life has joy and meaning, even on bad, horrible days.

Just try it…

You never know what can happen when you trust in God 🙂 He is truly amazing and if you can just allow yourself to let Him help you, trust in Him and PRAISE HIM, He really does make miracles happen. Turn away from the evils, darkness, perversions, depravity of this world, Satan’s world, because it blinds you to the amazing gifts of God.  He truly loves us and wants what’s best for us.


Be blessed.

❤ ❤ ❤


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